Hi, Guys!,
Well, most of you are going to take University entrance exams (SAT exams) very soon. And as you well know, you need to take a foreign language exam, very likely an English exam. Because of that, I'd like to share with all of you some interesting links where you can find lots of exams, ready to be printed and done by yourself!
Don't be afraid, you've got enough time to get ready, read carefully your exam papers and try to do it as best as you can!!! ;)
If you need to practise for the coming 'Selectividad' (=University Entrance Exams), just click on the following links:
- RedaccionesEnIngles-pau-andalucia (lots of exams corrected)
- lallena.jimdo.com/selectividad/ (all the Andalusian exams)
- isabelperez.com (many resources)
- pre.universia.es (Mock Exams)
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