Hi, Guys!,
If you need to keep on practising Defining and Non-defining Relative Clauses, you can do the following exercises.
1. Complete this paragraph with whose or which.
People……………..eyes cannot tell the difference between colours are said to be colour blind, but the name ……………..doctors use for this problem is “daltonism”. The name daltonism comes from a British scientist ……………..name was John Dalton (1776-1844), and ……………….main interests were meteorology and the study of atoms. Dalton, ……………..work on the weight of atoms made him famous, was himself colour blind. In 1794 he presented the first serious study of this medical condition, ………………became known as daltonism. A person that is colour blind must be extra careful when driving as the colours…………..they find most difficult are red and green, the colours of traffic lights.
2. Read these sentences and note how where and when are used as relatives.
The sixteen year-old genius wants to go to university first, where she plans to study computer science.
There were times when I didn’t get anywhere for weeks.
3. Join these sentences using when or where, and make any other changes that are necessary.
1.The scientist Isaac Newton was born in a little town called Grantham, Margaret Thatcher was also born there. _________________________________________________________________________
2. Newton went to Cambridge University. He graduated there in 1665.
3. He invented a new system of mathematics called “calculus”.
He was studying modern mathematical methods then.
4. He discovered the laws of gravitation. He was sitting under a tree at the time.
4. Join the sentences with relative pronouns. If the relative pronoun is not necessary put it in brackets.
1. Patricia has a new boyfriend. He is a millionaire.
2. He has a private plane. His parents gave him the plane on his birthday.
3. Patrician’s boyfriend has invited her to Paris this summer. He is French.
4. Patricia can’t go with him. Patrician’s parents are very strict.
5. Join the sentences with relative pronouns. If the relative pronoun is not necessary put it in brackets.
Example: The musical instrument (we hear it most in rock music) is the electric guitar (it was invented in the 1950s).
The musical instrument (that) we hear most in rock music is the electric guitar, which was invented in the 1950s.
1. The term hip-hop was invented in 1985 to describe a kind of music (it has a heavy disco beat and spoken words).
2. The word reggae appeared in about 1968 and described a type of music (people like Bob Marley produced it).
3. Marley (this innovative reggae style was heard all over the world) died in 1981.
4. The kind of music (I like to listen to) is reggae.
(it first appeared in the 1960s in Jamaica).
5. The pop music world was revolutionised in 1969
(a Us sound engineer called Moog invented the synthesiser then).
6. This synthesiser (Moog devised it) could produce all the musical sound
(real instruments could make them).
7. Rap music was first heard in the 1980s in New York (it became very popular there).
9. At the club (my elder brother goes there) they play House music
(it’s a kind of music that originated in the Chicago Warehouse Club in 1987).