Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Used to; Be Used to; and Get Used to

Hi, Guys!,

Once again, I ask you to study your notes before doing these exercises, right?
You can take a look to this web-page:

Fill in the gaps with USED TO, BE USED TO or GET USED TO:
1. At first I was really nervous about driving in Vancouver, but now I have _________ it.
2. I don't think I'll ever ______________ the rain in Vancouver.
3. Because of the devaluation of the Canadian dollar, the people of Vancouver _______________ seeing more American tourists in the shopping malls.
4. Mike is Chinese. He is not ______________ speaking English in the office.
5. The smell of fish is awful, but you'll _____________ it after a couple of months on the job.
6. There are some things in this life that you'll never ____________.
7. It will take a while for the office staff to become the new computer software.
8. She _______________ hard work. She grew up in a very poor family.
9. My children ________________ eating hamburgers, but I don't think I'll ever eating them.
10. People from Africa _______________ hot weather because of the dry and hot climate there.
11. I wasn't happy about working the evening shift but I have ___________it now.
12. When I was a teenager I ______________ dress up for Halloween, but not anymore.
13. The administration was not _____________ the union playing a major role in running the company.
14. Two years ago, the students _______________ have four hours a week of language tutorials, but now they have five hours.
15. When I was starting to write, I _____________ think I would never be as good as Margaret Atwood.
16. People _________________ politicians blaming the media for their downfall.
17. Mr. Blundell ____________ do lots of interviews when he was the mayor of Vancouver.
18. He never ______________ flying a helicopter, even after years of working as a co-pilot.
19. Once people have ________________ the fact that not all dreams come true, then they set achievable goals.
20. He _________________ difficult times because he was born during the war.

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