Sunday, November 28, 2010

PSP Play English - SONY & VAUGHAN Systems

Hi, Guys!,

As you well know, I'm fan of VAUGHAN radio and his English system. And once again, I recommend you to follow Richard Vaughan on TV, radio, internet, ... he's a great teacher. So, I'd like to share with you this PSP PLAY ENGLISH game created by Sony and Vaughan Systems.

If you want to improve your English having fun, you can do so with this fantastic game. You'll become the Spanish detective Jaime Rubio, who is actually very intelligent, but he's not good at English. There is an important robbery in the National Gallery in London, he'll need to sort out different problems using his basic English, can you help him? You'll find different characters with several English accents, it's quite entertaining, although we can't forget the goal of the game is learning English! Price 24'99 euros.

RePorTed SpeeCH (post 7)

Hi, Guys!,

Do you need to practise REPORTED SPEECH? Click on the following interesting links:
(Please, remember there are more posts and exercises , click on the labels: Reported Speech).

Saturday, November 27, 2010

FlaSH MoB at Heathrow Airport

Hi, Guys!,

I suppose you've seen a flash mobbing before, it's actually a new trend to entertain, to protest or to promote companies, and it's really works. It is said that the first flashmob took place in Manhattan in 2003, and it wasn't very successful. But nowadays, many people are interested in taking part of these "spontaneous" events, which are so blooming.

So now, I'd like to share with you all this flashmob staged by the company T-mobile at Heathrow's Terminal 5 in London. This reminds me of the film Love Actually. Now, please, enjoy the following video and pay attention to passengers' faces, they are surprised as well as cheerful. As the advert says: "Life's for Sharing".

Thursday, November 25, 2010

McFly "Shine A Light"

Hi, Guys!,

Did you enjoy McFly interview yesterday evening? They are gorgeous, aren't they?
I hope you'll have fun listening to their new single "Shine A Light", let's sing it together! ..."She took the light and left me in the dark, eh, she left me with a broken heart, e-eh, now I'm on my own..."

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

Hi, Guys!,

Every year, Macy's, a big department store in New York city, presents this fantastic parade, full of famous characters transformed into huge balloons, such a Mickey Mouse, Spiderman, ... as you can see in these videos.

In 1924, this colourful parade was created by all the Macy's employees, since they were immigrants, and they were really proud of their new American heritage. So, from that moment onwards, all the store workers and professional entertainers march from Harlem street to 34th Street at Macy's. All of them are dressed in colourful costumes and people, specially children are very excited.

I hope you'll like this!!! Happy Thanksgiving Day!!!

Thanksgiving Day, significant bank holiday in USA

Hi, there!,

Next Thursday, we are celebrating THANKSGIVING DAY in USA.

It's a special day where all families and friends have dinner together to commemorate the arrival of the first pilgrims to America.

This took place in 1620, when a large group of religious people crossed the Atlantic Ocean by a sailing vessel called Mayflower.

After travelling two months, they finally arrived and settled their first colony in Plymouth. The following year, they had dinner to thank God for their new life in America.

If you are more interested, please watch the following interesting videos!!!

In addition, you can click on:


Sunday, November 21, 2010

PreseNT PeRfeCT (post 4)

Hi, Guys!,

Once again, thanks to Scribd, we can keep on practising and improving our English.
Now, why don't you check your knowledge? 1, 2, 3, Go!!!!!

Test on Present Perfect and Past Simple Tenses

Friday, November 19, 2010

HarrY PotteR

Hi, Guys!,

Are you fan of Harry Potter and friends' adventures?

I think Harry Potter has become a wellknown literary phenomenon, since many children and teenagers are hooked to their stories, they enjoy reading all his books, there is a great mixture of magical universe with certain rules, unexpected elements, magicians, apprentices, battles, castles, witches, monsters, ...

J. K. Rowling is its writer. Her first book was published in 1997 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, and ten years later, she wrote Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

I hope you'll enjoy reading the last book as well as watching some scenes of the film.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Prince William is getting married

Hi, there!,

You know what?
Prince William
and Kate Middleton are going to get married in 2011. It was announced in Clarence House yesterday. It is reported that they got engaged in Kenya, during a holiday last October.

What is more, William gave Kate, his fianceé, his mother's engagement ring as if Lady Di was with them at this significan moment. If you are more interested, you can watch the announcement.
Congratulations and best wishes!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The SpiCe GiRLs

Hi, there!,

Do you remember this pop group? When I was a teenager, my classmates and I loved dancing as these Spice Girls, they became really famous due to their songs such as "Wannabe".

This English group was created in 1994, the members of the group until 1998 were Victoria Beckham, Melanie Brown, Emma Bunton, Melanie Chisholm and Geri Halliwell. Thanks to "Wannabe" in 1996, the Spice Girls became a global phenomenon very quickly. This pop group have sold so many records that they have done the best selling girl group of all time.

In 1998, Geri Halliwell left the spice Girls. The four remaining girls released the third album called Forever,, but they separated in 2000. Seven years later, the Spice Girls decided to get back and start a world tour and release their Greatest Hits. It was an amazing success too.

Let's listen and see these successful videos, The Spice Girls singing "WANNABE"!!

Now, if you are more interested in The Spice Girls, click on:

CoNdiTioNalS (post 6)

Hi, there!,

If you are interested in practising CONDITIONALS, please, click on the following links, there are some useful worksheets for you! (PDF format ready to be printed)

Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 - 1894)

Hi, Guys!,

Have you read The Treasure Island? It's a great adventurous book written by Robert Louis Stevenson. Today, thanks to Google - doodle, we can remember this remarkable novelist, who was born in Edimburgh on 13th November in 1850.

Stenvenson was an essayist, poet and author of fiction and travel books such The Treasure Island. Thanks to this novel, Stevenson gained fame. The main characters are Jim Hawkins, a young boy, who meets an old pirate, Billy Bones, who shows him a misterious map which points out the Captain Flint's treasure. I enjoyed reading this novel, but I prefer The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, also written by the same novelist and published in 1886. I recommend you to read these exciting books.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Extra GRAMMAR, thanks to Burlington

Hi, Guys!,

If you want to learn and practise your English, you can click on the following link:

Here, you can find plenty of exercises related to Present, Past and Future Tenses; Passive, Reported Speech,Modals, Relatives etc. Besides, there are key answers in every worksheet.

Come on! don't waste time and print your worksheets from Burlington (PDF format).

Friday, November 5, 2010

Guy Fawkes Night, November 5th in LONDON

Hi, GUYS!,

Last year, I told you the story of Guy Fawkes Night, but today I'd like to show these entertaining videos which also explain perfectly this historical episode. What happened on the 5th of November in 1605?
Happy Bonfire Night!!!

BEEFEATERS, at the Tower of LondoN

Hi, Guys!,

Have you ever visited the Tower of London? Do you know the BEEFEATERS? Who are they?

In theory, Beefeaters have to look after any prisioner in the Tower of London and safeguard the British crown jewels; but in parctise, they act as tourist guides. Even more, they are a tourist attraction, everybody wants to take a photo with them.

Beefeaters are actually the Yeoman Warders of Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress the Tower of London, as well as Members of the Soverign's Body Guard of the Yeoman Guard Extraordinary; although these are popularly known as BEEFEATERS.

The nickname of Beefeater has an uncertain origin. The most probable origin is based on the fact they were fed by large portions of beef at court, which was a privilige at that time.

In addition, Beefeaters are also known as Raven masters since they have to look after all the ravens in the Tower of London. According to the legend, if the Ravens ever leave the fortress, the monarchy will disappear.

I hope you'll find this story interesting! ;-)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Decorating Your ClassRooM (post 3)

Hi, teachers and guys!,

Last Spetember, I wrote about how we could decorate our English classrooms, since I believe it is interesting for students, they can feel more involved, learn and improve their vocabulary and make up funny posters for their classroom, use their imagination and creativity, and so on.
Well, today, I'd like to share with you another project:
1. Ask your students to make groups of 4 or 5 people.

2. Every group has to make a poster with all the information they can find about:
Significant Biritish / American Celebrities, Musicians, Painters, Sportmen, or Cities.

3. They can surf on the internet to find out some information.
4. Everything must be written down in English.
5. These posters can be full of photos.

6. The teacher has to chooose the most important topics (mentioned before) for every group. For example: students from group A (1st year of Secondary) will look into relevant British / American cities whereas students from group B (2nd year of Secondary) will find out information about Musicians. So, there will be a lot of interesting posters to decorate the English Classrooms or corridors.

7. Above all, your students will learn a lot!
If you are more interested, click on Decorating Your Classroom

Learning English can be Fun! I hope you'll like this easy teaching recipe!!! ;-)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Vaughan can teach you speak up

Hi, there!,

Last year, I introduced you Richard Vaughan, an excellent popular English teacher who created his own method to teach English, it is actually very wellknown.

Now, thanks to this interesting video, I hope you'll feel more motivated to start speaking English; since Mr Vaughan is sitting next to one of his pupils, she is a middle-aged woman, she is learning English as YOU! Pay attention to the error-corrections, pronunciation, how he introduces some linking words, etc. It's useful for you!

I Wish / If OnlY (post 2)

Hi, Guys!,

As I told you in class, last year, I posted some explanation and exercises about I Wish and If OnlY. You can take a look and do these activities; but if you want to practise more, you can also do the following worksheets.

The Subjunctive
