As you well know, one of the funniest way of learning English is reading a tale, and it's far better when you already know the plot, the characters, it's easier for you to follow it ... but this time, let's read the story in English. So, you can improve your vocabulary and find out that "Cenicienta" is called Cinderella in English, "Blancanieves" is Snow White, and so on.
Now, let me post some tales from learnenglishkids.britishcouncil
(Undoubtedly, it's a great web, you'll find fantastic games ,songs for Kids, and special sites for parents and teachers. Don't waste time and click on there!!!)
Last but not least, do you dare to read these English tales as BEDTIME STORIES to your children? It could be a great chance to practise your English and let your children learn too. What do you think?
Once upon a time ... ;-)